Happy Canada Day! May You Happily Resonate CANADIAN!

I wrote this piece for the 150 year celebration of Canada in 2017. It is repubulished today with updated information and links.  We just keep evolving!   Happy Canada Day!



Happy Canada Day! Whether you are Canadian or one of our good friends, may you resonate with all good qualities associated with our country.  It is not easy to define what it is to be a Canadian. References to us on TV shows or by late night comedians will highlight our politeness and consideration and the use of the phrase: “eh?”   I think it comes down mostly to how you experience any encounters with us.

Our prime minister Justin Trudeau, took on the task and said  “…there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada….There are shared values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first post-national state”.  Maybe we are best defined as citizens of the world.

There is however, lots one can say about Canadians and who we are:

Canadians are tolerant probably because we are diverse and in a cold climate we have to rely on each other – to get a car boosted in sub zero weather, or escape the ravages of forest fires, or floods, or winter storms.   In these travesties you rarely hear stories of people taking advantage. Instead you hear good news stories of people helping each other regardless of who they are.

Canadians are diverse and embrace diversity; We consider ourselves stronger by embracing each others culture.   Multicultural markets and restaurants proliferate the cities and it is not difficult to find a bar that provides immigrants with a reminder of their first home.  Culture is not easily lost here. It is embraced.  On the flip side every culture here seems to enthusiastically embrace the symbols of Canada to be their own – proud of their new country. This was no more evident than in the recent NBA playoffs where the Toronto Raptors won. Every nation in the world seemed to be represented in the crowds of 20,000 or more set up in at least 5 ‘Jurassic Parks’ around the greater Toronto area.  Two million people attended the celebratory parade that took over 5 hours to cover 4 kilometers (2.5 milies).  Many could barely speak English and they were cheering fervently for the Raptors -now an overnight symbol of Canada.

Here, everyone has the right to practice their religion and can openly do so.

We are inclusive as evidenced in English / French labeling everywhere.  In Canada, you can love who every you want.  When you are born here that is a difficult concept to recognize because it is not true everywhere.

We care about the world and climate change 

We are compassionate, transcending world fears and taking in 40,081 Syrian refugees since November 2015.

Despite the diversity of people and backgrounds, our shared values hammered out a not perfect but at least decent health care system decades ago.  On the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index for 2017 Canada ranks #17.

I consider myself fortunate for having been born in Canada, that my parents were both born here and that both sets of grandparents and one set of great grandparents had the wisdom, the vision and the courage to make the decision to make Canada their home.  When i see the struggles of refugees and new immigrants around the world, I am humbled at how lucky my grandparents were to get here. I am reminded that other Canadians truly welcomed them to this country on arrival and perhaps that is the resonance that permeates what it is to be Canadian.

Today is Canada Day – and we are 152 years old.  This is a perfect day to notch up your field of resonance by appreciating the gift of citizenship, of country and all that the belonging and being here does for you.  When we appreciate our country good things happen and everyone benefits including ourselves.

Go ahead… indulge in some Canadian and notice what it does to your field of energy.


With love and light


By Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach

I am a Life Repatterning Coach using the principles of Resonance, Wise-Self-related intuitive tools, and maps that identify our blind spots to shift energy and activate hidden maps for natural positive change. You might think the sessions are magical - but it's just you aligning with your true self. My passion is quilting.